Future Proof Your Career By Understanding AI
(for Healthcare Commercial Teams)

A step-by-step training designed to walk you through both understanding AI easily, and knowing how to use it to solve your challenges and create a unique strategy with ROI business case for your specific challenges.

Watch the roadmap to success

Watch our two minute overview video of the success roadmap milestones here

For Innovation Leaders in Large Organizations

Do you find you pilot initiatives that are great but you lack a cohesive strategy to integrate them with AI for seem-less personalisation and prediction as well as strong measurable ROI?

For Digital Marketers Wanting to Integrate AI

Do you find that your digital marketing initiatives are not integrating AI and lacking mass personalisation as well as being unable to be measured with financial metrics?

For Consultants Wishing to Future-Proof their Career ​

Do you feel that everyone wants ‘AI’ in their strategy these days but you are not a techie and wonder how to include this confidently with your non-technical background?

Artificial Intelligence: From Understanding to Strategy to Implementation in Healthcare

These are the different modules and parts you will access in the level one training. Take a closer look by downloading the brochure, or if you have downloaded it already and are ready to start. click the ‘Buy’ button below to purchase and get immediate access.

“Great training recently. I wanted you to know that the team have now got the first pilot generating a positive ROI. We are considering engaging you to train us in scaling this next."

This program is designed to give those with a non-technical background the critical foundations of understanding what AI is and can and cannot do, how it applies in healthcare and how to plan a strategy with strong ROI to implement to solve your immediate and future challenges.

It’s for those people who want to remain at the forefront of their field and who know that with hybrid roles (functional specialists with data science understanding and strategy) increasing, these skills will immediately add value to their organization and their resume.

How will this get you results while future-proofing your career?

Hi, I’m Andrée, the founder of Eularis.

Learn from all my years (and mistakes and successes) in using AI to solve business challenges to short cut your way to being confident in not only using AI but being able to apply a framework to solve any challenge you have with AI.

For well over a decade – and have personally worked on almost 300 AI builds for healthcare commercial applications and countless more strategies. I take this knowledge and make this easy to understand the basics of AI and AI strategy to solve any challenge.

I have been called ‘the best translator of AI for healthcare‘ but not only healthcare as the framework can be used in any industry. and I want to help everyone understand AI easily without needing a math or tech background.  I make it simple to understand, and importantly get started with to generate results for your brands.

The first training course gets you to knowing:

Download the brochure

Are you ready for the future?

Industry 4.0 is here and it is changing the world of healthcare – and the changes are constant. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-physical systems, cloud computing, cognitive computing, big data, robotics and new and evolving transformative technologies have created huge commercial challenges and opportunities for healthcare companies.

Organizations across healthcare are struggling to identify and act upon opportunities generated by large amounts of data and AI. Many organizations start with the data or the technology when considering innovation, rather than beginning with the strategic innovation differentiators that are needed to create the winning organizations of tomorrow. So, often, the solution is to “hire a data scientist” or “get your CTO to figure it out” and neither of these solutions is optimal alone. Data scientists start looking at data, and CTOs start looking at tech infrastructure – both of which are valuable components in the transformation – but they should not be the first step.

But what is needed is people who can bridge the gap between data science and business strategy. Who can turn analysis into reason and action. Who can zero in on the best opportunities that big data and AI and FutureTech technologies and Industry 4.0 can offer in the healthcare arena, and can deliver on the promise of data science.

To help you do this, Eularis offers  Artificial Intelligence: From Understanding to Strategy to Implementation for Healthcare Commercial Teams

Our training helps healthcare execs who live in the commercial side of the business (so non-data scientists and non-techie’s), understand what AI is easily, how it applies to healthcare, and then help you refine and focus on the strategic areas that make sense to your business; then we help you plan the solution, and how to work out the ROI, and how to present your business case for it to senior management to ensure real commercial value is delivered from your innovation and AI efforts. And that is only Level 1!

We have 5 Levels of training that take you all the way up to being a leader in this space. But we encourage you to do them step by step as our trainings all build on previous sections.


Everything you need to know about AI to create your strategic plan to solve your business challenges
--for non-technical teams--

Download the brochure

Download the brochure to get all the training course details. If you have already downloaded, click the ‘Buy’ button to pay and get immediate access yo all 10 modules and 31 videos and workbooks.

Download the brochure

Inside you will get everything you need to create your AI strategy

This training will help you to:
• Understand what AI is and how it applies to healthcare
• Know how to determine the best questions or challenges to solve for your organization
• Follow a design thinking framework to find the optimal way to solve to the challenge
• Ensure that your solution puts the customer and customer experience firmly in the centre
• Know how to plan what data you would need to implement the kind of solution you have come up with
• Understand how to decide if you need a tech stack or if your challenge is a pure data science one
• Know how to plan costs for data science and tech stack (if applicable)
• Ensure strong ROI achieved rom the first project with the ROI planning spreadsheets and make finance happy
• Use enhanced communication skills to engage key stakeholders and use our downloadable powerpoint to populate with your specific use case
• Gain credibility across organisational functions to drive change
• Learn how to effectively lead data science and analytics teams with a strong strategy and plan

A Detailed Look at Foundation Modules

Training to help you get on top of what AI is, easy-to-follow, designed for healthcare teams. Don’t get bamboozled by tech vendors – understand easily what it is all about and how to use it for your job. Let us guide you step-by-step.

Whether you are new to healthcare and trying to get a boost on your career, or whether you are a seasoned exec looking to boost your understanding of AI and your results, this course is designed for you. AI for beginners without math or tech, step-by-step easy to follow and workbooks so you don;t just learn but can apply this as you go to your role. By the end of Level 1 you will have a business case, with ROI spreadsheet and powerpoint presentation on how to solve one of your current business challenges with AI.

You get access to all 10 modules, all 31 videos and all components listed above when you buy.

Module 1

How To Understand AI Without Being a Techie

This introductory module helps you understand how AI is used, what AI is, how it works and how specific companies are using now. Nine instructional videos in Module 1 of Level 1.

View All Parts

Part 1: Intro To AI: The Good
Part 2: Intro To AI: The Bad
Part 3: Intro To AI: The Ugly
Part 4: How Does it Differ From Traditional Statistics?
Part 5: An Overview of Types of AI
Part 6: The Dummies Guide to AI Math
Part 7: How Companies are Using AI Right Now
Part 8: How Companies Are Using AI in Marketing
Part 9: AI And Your Job

Module 2

The Minimalist Guide to the AI Process

This module takes you through the various steps to create data science projects or big tech machine learning projects. One instructional video in Module 2 of Level 1.

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Part 1: The Process

Module 3

Shortcuts to Finding the Right Challenge to Solve with AI

This module helps you to figure out which of your challenges is the best one to solve with AI, and then validate that challenge is the right one. Five instructional videos in Module 3 of Level 1.

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Part 1: Understanding the Options
Part 2: Finding the Problem
Part 3: Mapping the Problems
Part 4: Analyzing the Stakeholders
Part 5: Interviewing the Stakeholders

Module 4

Design Thinking to Create Your Innovative Solution

This module takes your identified challenge from the previous module and then takes you through specific techniques to guide you to thinking laterally and innovatively to create a winning solution. Three instructional videos in Module 4 of Level 1.

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Part 1: Becoming Creative
Part 2: Time to Figure This Out
Part 3: Evaluating the Options

Module 5

Get Rid of Poor Customer Engagement and Experience

This module clarifies the difference between customer service, experience and engagement and what the environmental changes mean for this in our healthcare landscape. Two instructional videos in Module 5 of Level 1.

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Part 1: Customer Service / Customer Engagement / Customer Experience
Part 2: How is the Environment Changing and What Does This mean for Us?

Module 6

Data Secrets

This module lifts the lid on data so you know what data actually is for AI projects (hint, it is not in a spreadsheet), and how to decide what data is right for your project and how to find that data. Next we review what you need to look at with the data and what information you need to give to a data scientist to get a reasonable estimate of hours. Five instructional videos in Module 6 of Level 1.

View All Parts

Part 1: Understanding Data Used in AI
Part 2: What is Big Data
Part 3: Choosing and Finding Data for Your Solution
Part 4: Once Your Find the Data, What Next?
Part 5: Getting a Data Scientist’s Help

Module 7

How To Plan Your AI and Tech Stack Without Math or Tech

Understanding your AI and Tech plan the non-tech way. Data science projects don’t necessarily need a tech stack, but machine learning ones do. This helps you understand if you do or don’t need a tech stack, and what it actually is if you do. Then what information you need to give to your data scientists and tech engineers to help them know which elements are the best in the tech stack for your needs. Three instructional videos in Module 7 of Level 1.

View All Parts

Part 1: To Stack or Not to Stack, That is the Question
Part 2: What is a Tech Stack?
Part 3: What to Ask Your Data Scientists and Tech Guys

Module 8

The Cheats Guide to ROI

If you are doing any project, you are going to need a business case and for a business case, you will need an ROI planned. This module takes you through the various approaches to calculating ROI and provides plug and play ROI Excel spreadsheets to help you plan your ROI for your project. One instructional video plus a downloadable plug and play ROI spreadsheet in Module 8 of Level 1.

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Part 1: The Cheats Guide to ROI

Module 9

Shortcuts for Completing Your Business Case

The final pieces of the puzzle to before putting it all together. Here we collate any extra pieces for your business case that have not been covered previously so you have everything you need ready to go into your final module – creating your business case powerpoint deck. One instructional video for Module 9 of Level 1.

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Part 1: Shortcuts for Completing Your Business Case

Module 10

The Minimalist's Guide to Creating Your Business Case

This final module of level 1 helps you put it all together in a power point presentation to present to budget holders for funding. We even provide the template power point deck to use so you can simply plug in your project and change the template to your company one. One instructional video and one downloadable plug and play powerpoint presentation to put your business case into for Module 10 of level 1.

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Part 1: The Minimalist’s Guide to Creating Your Business Case

That is just Level 1!

We have 5 levels in total. Each level builds up to your market leadership position

Begin your journey now

Your Full Success Journey

This is the planned success roadmap for your journey in implementing Artificial Intelligence in your marketing and business. Take a look at the stages, watch the overview videos, and head over to watch the individual introductory videos of each stage.

Build a Solid Foundation

You will understand the basics of AI and what you can and cannot do and how it can help you achieve your business goals or overcome...

CLICK HERE to buy Level 1 now!LEVEL 1

Build Your Winning AI Solution

Once your solid foundation is in place, we’ll help you focus on how you can create it – either with your internal team or vendors...


Scale Your Results

Once your solid foundation is in place, we’ll help you focus on how you can create it – either with your internal team or vendors...


Next Level AI

Now the magic happens! You have already scaled your results and are generating much more revenue. Now you want to create mass...


Market Leader: Stay Ahead of the Curve

Now you are flying but we want to keep you there. Here we will help you stay ahead of the curve and be finding out about the latest techniques...


Purchase Level 1 Training Today and Get Started on You Roadmap to Success with AI in Healthcare

Level 1

Build a Solid Foundation

You will understand the basics of AI and what you can and cannot do and how it can help you achieve your business goals or overcome a business challenge. By the end you will understand how AI actually works, without needing to be a techie or a math wizard. You will also have an understanding of the process to implement an AI project. You will have total clarity on how to apply it to your specific objectives and challenges (those it can solve), how it will work for you, the best way to implement it, and will have created a solid business case to get strong ROI.

Level 2

Build Your Winning AI Solution

Once your solid foundation is in place, we’ll help you focus on how you can create it – either with your internal team or vendors (and we can help you choose the best vendor for your specific business case), OR – a secret way – piggybacking off an existing solution (and we can help you find them for your business case) to really fast track your results. Build the solution the fastest way possible and start to get real results. From using AI within sales and marketing and PR, or something else – we’ve got you covered! We’ll support you to implement your plan and start generating much more return and managing your AI for results. We can guide you to specific tools and resources and hold your hand every step of the way, At this stage you will be ahead of 82% of healthcare marketers.

Level 3

Scale Your Results

This is the exciting bit! We’ll support you to easily scale your results and start generating much more revenue, cost savings and return from your solutions. We can guide you to specific tools and resources. We’ll show you how to scale your efforts and start generating much more revenue and managing your marketing for mass personalization at scale. At this stage you will be ahead of 92% of pharma marketers.

Level 4

Next Level AI

Now the magic happens! You have already scaled your results and are generating much more revenue. Now you want to create mass personalization at scale across everything you do. At this stage you will be ahead of 97% of healthcare marketers.

Level 5

Market Leader: Stay Ahead of the Curve

Now you are flying but we want to keep you there. Here we will help you stay ahead of the curve and be finding out about the latest techniques that will help ensure any specific challenges that crop up are solved immediately, stay solved,  turn into growth. At this stage we will also focus on creating the best systems and processes to turn your business into a well-oiled machine by automating your AI marketing.

Not ready for this training and want a personalized training?
Just ask us.