Helping you quickly solve your biggest challenges (current and future) within BioPharma with strategic use of Artificial Intelligence for maximum impact.

AI For Pharma Leaders Masterclass

From novice to expert in just 2 days!

Download our program brochure, and learn more about this exclusive two day training program.

Harness New Thinking for Sustainable Impact in AI in Pharma

Download our FREE Whitepaper to understand how to achieve strategic success with AI.

0 %

of launch drugs we have worked on have become top brands within 1 year


Artificial Intelligence powered unique pharma brand engagements

29 %

growth achieved by the established brands we have worked on with AI

0 Years

in pharma & healthcare AI and FutureTech

BioPharma are facing many challenges in the coming years

What this means

Addressing these challenges strategically with AI is what Eularis bring our 20 years of expertise in this space to solve

We focus on 4 core areas:

AI Strategic Blueprint

Identifying the optimal path for maximum impact with AI to solve real-world challenges in biopharma

AI blueprints designed to unearth efficiency and growth

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AI Competency Development

Developing your key innovation staff to get the most out of AI

AI Competency Development

Ensuring you gain results leveraging AI specifically curated and designed for Biopharma and Agencies
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AI Solution Implementation

End-to-end solutions-focused AI implementation

AI Deployment designed to be lean and impactful

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Training in AI for Pharma

Go from novice to expert in 2 days

AI Training

A fully-focused results-producing, program on AI strategy specifically curated and designed for Pharma Professionals
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Solving Business Challenges and Data-Driven Transformations for BioPharma Companies -- Powered by AI

We apply our decades of expertise in AI, Future Tech, and Biopharma to solve specific challenges with AI or bring to life an AI-powered strategy specifically to solve your commercial challenges. We have successfully solved biopharma challenges with AI in numerous areas including:

  • Go-to-Market Planning
  • Brand Growth
  • Faster Market Access
  • User Insight & Needs
  • Digital Transformation
  • Customer Experience Transformation
  • Pipeline & Portfolio Strategy

For examples of some of these projects go here

Monthly Videos

Get tips and ideas for achieving success with AI with a new video each month focusing on a different aspect of easily using AI for healthcare sales or marketing. Watch this months video.


Give us your most difficult pharma commercial challenges to solve. We will reveal your solution using AI and FutureTech.

This Lab enables you to solve your most complex challenge with AI/FutureTech. Be it a market access challenge, earlier patient diagnosis or finding rare disease patients or an undiagnosed subpopulation of patient type, to precision doctor targeting, predicting patient lack of adherence in advance and how to solve it by patient, to personalized detailing, to omnichannel execution and scaling, we can help.


Ensuring the key foundational elements required for success in your AI/FutureTech projects are in place.

This Lab accelerates your ability to industrialise the opportunity effectively by taking care of all these foundation pieces (e.g., right data, legal and regulatory approval etc.) enabling you to easily commercialise the most effective solutions rapidly and seamlessly. 


Assess emerging risks, identify drivers and sources of sustainable competitive advantage, and how to leverage these with AI and FutureTech for sustainable growth in a uniquely designed Future-Proof strategy for your company or your business unit that delivers sustainable growth.

Our Transformation Engine ensures that your business is future-proofed effectively to ensure sustainable growth.

Future-Proof Your Career with AI Strategy Training to Lead Your Business (not math or tech)

AI and FutureTech are transforming the healthcare industry. However, organizations are struggling to identify and act upon opportunities generated by large amounts of data. Often, the solution is to “ask a data scientist” or “ask IT to deal with it”. These teams are not strategists.

Most organizations are missing people who can bridge the gap between data science and business strategy.

Most data science training teach you coding – not strategy. This training teaches you what AI is all about and helps you plan how to create a strong strategy using AI for specific challenges you are facing – that your data science and tech teams can implement.

Download the brochure

Future-Proof Your Career and Results with AI Training for Business (not math or tech)

AI and FutureTech are transforming the healthcare industry. However, organizations are struggling to identify and act upon opportunities generated by large amounts of data. Often, the solution is to “ask a data scientist” or “ask IT to deal with it”. These teams are not strategists.

Most organizations are missing people who can bridge the gap between data science and business strategy.

Most data science training teach you coding – not strategy. This training teaches you what AI is all about and helps you plan how to create a strong strategy using AI for specific challenges you are facing – that your data science and tech teams can implement.

Download the brochure

AI-cademy: Unlock your Company Potential Easily

We created the AI-cademy because Senior Leaders need to save time and have the right information to effectively grow, scale, and lead using AI and FutureTech and we want to  empower healthcare leaders to easily achieve that and save them time by doing the legwork for them.

  • Learn what AI is all about for non-techies
  • Know how to harness AI for your strategic challenges
  • Access disruptive solutions that move your revenue before your competitors
  • Save time and still stay on top of the best advances relevant to your commercial challenges
  • Identify new growth opportunities
  • Participate in CEO Roundtables on AI

AI Mentoring

Are you wanting to get help with your AI strategy on an ad hoc basis, or you want to move your career into AI consulting? Our AI mentoring service gives you the flexibility to get help.

Are you a consultant?

Things started off well for you and the consulting projects flowed in.

And then something happened.

Suddenly AI became part of each project and you didn’t now anything about it. Your revenue plateaued and you’re stuck at a level that’s causing increasing stress and anxiety.

What if we could show you a different way of working and help you not only understand AI but be able to weave it cleverly into your proposals and projects?


New Ideas from our Blog

  • Weekly new ideas for solving specific healthcare sales and marketing using AI
  • A new case study using AI in Pharma or healthcare sales and marketing
  • What’s on – don’t miss any of our insightful events
  • News and helpful tips.

Access the latest one on the left.

Achieve a Sustainable Competitive Advantage

You know the statistics:

  • Two-thirds of pharmaceutical brands fail to meet their revenue expectations.
  • This leads to job losses.
  • In 2018, 2019 and 2020 alone, we have had close to 30,000 pharmaceutical employee job lay-offs in numerous roles including sales and marketing. And these have happened from even large pharmaceutical companies including Abbvie, Acer Therapeutics, Alkermes, Amgen, AstraZeneca, Bayer, Boehringer-Ingelheim, Eli Lilly, Genentech, Gilead, GSK, Inovio, J&J, Merck, Otsuka, Pfizer, Regeneron, Roche, Sanofi, Takeda, and Teva. But more are planned at some of these and now Novartis is also planning job cuts.
  • In 2022 it started again with Novartis cutting 8,000 jobs.


But this can be avoided with strategic innovation.

A recent survey of high-growth (double-digit) companies revealed that 93% of these were using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to achieve this result. But this doesn’t mean just adding AI tools to your company will achieve this result. Not all AI projects are created equal. Many AI projects we see in pharma are not strategically driven, leading to high costs and low returns. Do not waste another cent on projects that may be fun and exciting (‘Shiny new objects’) but don’t produce tangible business results.

After working on over 1,000 AI pharma AI strategies over the years, I know what it takes to succeed in this space.

"AI implementations without a sound strategic underpinning can be an enormous waste of time and money. To ensure strong results, start with your challenges and your business strategy, then plan the approach, then choose the tech."

Hi, I’m Andrée Bates, Founder of Eularis and Eularis Group, experienced pharma strategist, lover of pharma AI/ FutureTech, an aeroplane and helicopter pilot, and someone who injects passion into all she does. I have worked in Pharmaceuticals for 29 years, digital healthcare for 27 years, and Artificial Intelligence in healthcare for well over a decade. During that time, I have had the privilege to work on over a thousand pharma AI strategies that produced measurable results. I have lived through the ups and downs of all those projects. And I have made mistakes along the way, and from that I have learned what you should do, and what you should not do, to achieve a successful result.

 I want to give you a simple way to avoid the pitfalls.

Take a look at our 3 labs and see which one fits your needs.

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