Are You Getting the Most Out of Your Sales Force Tablets/iPads?

Most Pharma are using iPads or Tablets for their sales force detailing of physicians, and it is understandable why.  Physicians also have embraced iPads in droves. However, hardware aside, are you getting the most out of it? The hardware is one thing, but are Pharma strategically getting advances?

From what we see, the majority are simply converting their paper detail aids to PDF and throwing them into the iPad/tablet for the rep to use. One thing that is missing is the ability to tailor content to the specific needs of the individual physicians at the time of the detail. Another thing missing is the ability for the rep to know which specific pages out of all their PDF pages are the right ones to address a specific physician’s current concerns in that call.

The power of suggestion
Sales reps spend 24% of their time searching for data as they are expected to be more knowledgeable than ever to earn face time with their physicians. Teams want sales reps to know exactly what messages are needed for individual physicians at the time they visit them in order to convert them to their brand and prevent them from switching to other competitors, as well as which detail aid pages are optimal to use for this purpose.

Would it not be ideal if the iPad/tablet could deliver suggestions to the sale rep on the optimal topic to discuss with that specific physician, at that specific time, to either move them closer to prescribing your brand, or to keep them from switching away from your brand? That way, the sales rep gets insights on exactly what topics will move that physician at that point in time based on superior data and superior intelligence.
The good news is that you can… and that is exactly what Eularis are now delivering for our clients.

Eularis can apply Artificial Intelligence algorithms to individual physician data with the aim of easily uncovering what specific messages are required to convert individual physicians into your highest prescribers, and the next generation of potential high prescribers.
By using the power of Artificial Intelligence, we can create stronger and more personal relationships between our reps and their customers. We can influence their prescribing by addressing the specific concerns they are having at that time. This accelerates performance with insights-driven customer relationships. By arming your sales force with the right information and the right message to deliver to specific physicians at the right time, they will naturally deliver stronger sales results. The tailor-made engine delivers what is needed for that specific physician right in the sales reps tablet/laptop, thereby enabling the sales rep to receive insights on exactly what topics will move that physician towards your brand at that point in time. In addition, would it not be helpful to the rep to have an actual customized detail aid bespoke for that specific physician’s needs at that specific time, right in their iPad/tablet.
But which detail aid pages to use?
Most companies leave it to the individual sales rep to choose what pages from a detail aid to use with individual physicians. However, if we are using Artificial Intelligence to pull out the attributes of physicians that would respond to specific messaging, we could then ensure that when a physician is chosen in the CRM system, the system not only pulls out key information on that physician but also creates a bespoke combination of pages from the detail aid that would most likely influence that specific physician, given all we know about them and their activities.
Most Pharma companies leave their sales reps to choose what messages out of the detail aid the physician should be shown. However, this is not chosen in any way other than what the sales rep feels is best. There could be biases towards what the sales rep is most comfortable discussing, or what the sales rep feels is most important, and these may differ from the messages that would influence that physician the most. Deepen physician engagement and ensure the right material is shown to the right physician at the right time in their customer journey to ensure stronger sales results with that physician by using Artificial Intelligence.
Eularis are now creating bespoke systems that match up the suggestion from the Artificial Intelligence for that specific physician to the actual pages of the detail aids that will be most impactful for that physician right in their CRM system and on their tablet/laptop. Not only does the sales rep get insights on exactly what topics will move that physician but the system will also pull up the right pages from the detail aids to deliver the exact combination of messages required for that specific physician at that time. By choosing the detail aid pages mathematically for that specific physician, the sales results are far greater than leaving it to the sales rep, and will enable you to gain a reliable boost in your sales results.
Sales reps using this system have created 10-30% increases in sales and at times of launch or market changes even stronger impact on sales has been found from this alone. A recent client who did a pilot on the approach found the reps using the Artificial Intelligence powered system increased sales 43% above the control groups not using the system.

What data and does this fit promotional code guidelines?

The devil is in the data. As you would imagine, this system excels in the US with all the availability of data. The only time we get the data question is in other markets with significantly reduced data availability (e.g. Japan, APAC, Europe, Latin America, Russia, Australia, and more). The good news is that we can do this in these markets also. We have found data sources (sometimes we must collect some of the data ourselves – but not necessarily in Japan or US as the data is available if you know where to look) enabling us to do this in all markets.



Pharma company teams embracing tablets and iPads for their detailing have made a great step forward in hardware requirements for new approaches. Now, the digital teams need to step in and consider the next action, which is creating custom content for individual physicians within the hardware which will allow the rep to not only have great hardware, but have great on-the-fly content – powered by Artificial intelligence – that delivers both insight, intelligence and tools to retain or convert individual physicians to their brands at the time of the sales call.

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