How Generative AI Impacts Pharma Boards and Leadership

Generative AI, is making waves across industries and capturing the attention of millions. Its ability to generate new and unique content has impressed users worldwide, setting records and outshining even the most popular online platforms. This technological advancement represents a significant leap forward in the field of artificial intelligence, with the potential to revolutionize numerous sectors, including the pharmaceutical industry.

Andrea Lorio equates the impact of Generative AI to that of the invention of refrigeration. This comparison highlights the crucial role of Generative AI in enhancing productivity and creativity, and the pharmaceutical industry is embracing its potential.

With vast amounts of data being transformed into actionable insights, it is only a matter of time before the healthcare sector fully integrates generative AI into its practices. Leaders in the pharmaceutical space recognise the implications this integration of generative AI into pharma can have on their organisations and are actively exploring how to leverage generative AI to shape their future success.

In this article, we will delve into the transformative power of generative AI in the pharmaceutical industry. We will explore how it has the potential to revolutionise processes, drive innovation, and reshape the decision-making landscape for pharmaceutical leaders. By understanding the ways in which generative AI can revolutionise the pharma industry and how leaders can future-proof themselves, we can unlock new opportunities for growth and advancement in the pharmaceutical sector.

So without further ado, let’s dive in!

What Is Generative AI and How Does It Work?

Generative AI, a fascinating branch of artificial intelligence, holds the power to create novel and captivating content by harnessing the patterns and structures found within vast datasets. This cutting-edge technology enables AI models to generate a wide range of outputs, including captivating images, audio, video and compelling text.

At the heart of generative AI lies a fundamental principle: the ability to learn from extensive datasets through training on the elements of the data. By absorbing and understanding existing data, these models gain the knowledge necessary to produce fresh samples that bear a striking resemblance to the original information while introducing unique variations. This remarkable capability results in the creation of content that exudes originality.

In essence, generative AI can be envisioned as a creative machine. It learns from the wealth of data available and employs this acquired knowledge to craft outputs that are truly distinct and innovative.

The Challenges of AI in pharmaceutical leadership

In the realm of pharmaceutical leadership, Generative AI is far more than just a buzzword. It presents an immense opportunity for companies to streamline workflows, optimise production, and achieve greater operational efficiency. However, alongside this potential lies a pressing question: will Generative AI replace the role of boards in the industry? Even experienced pharma leaders find themselves grappling with concerns about being outperformed by generative AI, and people in many sectors are already concerned with what ChatGPT and similar generative AI will mean for their role

These challenges, coupled with various other issues, highlight the current landscape faced by pharmaceutical leaders.

Lack of AI Literacy

Many, if not most, Pharmaceutical leaders lack the knowledge and expertise to understand the capabilities and impact of generative AI. This hinders their ability to make informed decisions about its integration.

Investing in education and training programs is essential to bridge this knowledge gap. It is crucial for leaders to monitor and govern the use of generative AI despite its complexity. By addressing these challenges head-on, pharmaceutical leaders can leverage generative AI to drive innovation and optimize workflows. In fact, Eularis are able to help with training and we are putting together a certification program for MedicRes AI specifically on AI in Healthcare.

Overconfidence in the Model

AI tools like ChatGPT offer remarkable speed and efficiency, but they also come with inherent risks. It is crucial for pharmaceutical leaders to be aware of these risks to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the data they rely on. ChatGPT’s vast database, while impressive, may contain unverified sources and potential biases, leading to inaccurate information.

In some cases, the model may even generate plausible yet incorrect responses, known as “hallucinations.” It is essential for leaders to recognise that AI is not a universal solution and its effectiveness relies on the quality of input data. Being aware of these limitations empowers leaders to make informed decisions when utilising AI tools.

Decaying Competency

While AI tools like ChatGPT offer valuable support, excessive reliance on their capabilities can have detrimental effects on competency and decision-making within pharmaceutical organisations. C-suite executives understand the importance of maintaining a balance and not allowing AI to overshadow their expertise.

It is crucial to view AI as a valuable tool rather than a sole decision-maker at the executive level. By embracing human judgment and maintaining a focus on competency, leaders can leverage the power of AI while preserving the integrity of their decision-making processes. This approach not only ensures optimal management capabilities but also safeguards the overall success of companies and the industry as a whole.

How Can AI Help the White Collars of Pharma?

In the fast-paced and expanding pharmaceutical industry, organizations often face the challenge of increased administrative work. From documentation to meetings, investments, and approvals, the demands on pharmaceutical leaders continue to grow.

However, with the integration of AI technology, leaders can unlock a range of advantages that enhance efficiency and provide a competitive edge in this dynamic industry.

AI is the new assistant

Leaders often get bombarded with a lot of data from various sources. To help navigate this data-driven landscape, many leaders rely on personal assistants to manage their busy schedules and responsibilities.

With generative AI such as ChatGPT integrated into the workplace, it’s likely that we’re seeing a new generation of personal aids that could potentially eliminate excessive and repetitive work.
Here are a few examples of how AI can help the C-suites:
● Perform data entry in ChatGPT-integrated Excel sheets
● Summarise lengthy findings
● Synthesise minutes of the meeting in real-time
● Write Dossiers and CSR
● Do landscape assessments
● Personalise sales and marketing content
These are only a few out of a million possibilities that generative AI can bring to the pharmaceutical industry.

Leaders can finally make time for other important things

Generative AI has transformed the way C-suite leaders in the pharmaceutical industry operate, enabling them to focus on strategic priorities and drive long-term success. By automating routine tasks and streamlining workflows, generative AI enhances efficiency and empowers leaders to make informed decisions.

With generative AI at their disposal, pharmaceutical leaders can delegate mundane responsibilities and allocate more time to critical management aspects. This shift in focus allows for strategic planning, fostering innovation, and cultivating a culture of excellence within organizations.

Through the power of generative AI, C-suite leaders in pharma can unlock their full potential and guide their organizations toward sustainable growth and success.

Faster and better brainstorming power

When pharmaceutical boards have the freedom to think critically and strategically, they have the potential to bring substantial value to their organizations. In this era of advanced AI tools like GPT-4 and DALL-E, leaders can leverage their expertise to make informed decisions and explore new management and investment opportunities within the industry.

By understanding the limitations and capabilities of multimodal AI tools, such as GPT-4 and DALL-E, leaders can establish specific criteria for their application in the pharmaceutical sector. This strategic approach ensures that AI is utilized in a targeted manner, aligning with the unique needs and goals of the organization.

How can leaders future-proof themselves against AI?

Just like the initial skepticism surrounding the World Wide Web, AI has faced its fair share of doubts and concerns from industry leaders. However, in order for healthcare leaders to flourish in today’s dynamic environment, they must adopt a new perspective and seize the opportunities presented by generative AI.

● Rather than perceiving AI as a threat, leaders should view it as a powerful ally—a tool that enhances their capabilities rather than replacing the expertise of professionals in the industry. While technologies like LLMs (e.g. ChatGPT) are widely utilized, human confidence and authenticity remain essential, ensuring that human judgment and expertise are combined with the potential of AI.

● By outsourcing AI capabilities, healthcare leaders can gain access to cutting-edge technology, freeing up valuable time and resources to focus on core competencies. This strategic approach allows organizations to maintain a competitive edge in the ever-evolving landscape of pharmaceutics.

● Furthermore, it is crucial for leaders to recognize that embracing AI tools can bring revolutionary change within their operations and organization. By letting go of the “old is best” mindset and embracing innovation, they increase their likelihood of success and unlock new possibilities for growth and advancement.


Generative AI has emerged as a groundbreaking advancement with vast potential for transforming the landscape of pharmaceutical management. The decisions made regarding this technology can have a profound impact on the future of pharmaceutical companies. As technology evolves, it is imperative for leaders to adapt their approaches and embrace the opportunities presented by generative AI.

To navigate this ever-changing landscape successfully, leaders must equip themselves with the essential skills and understanding necessary to make informed decisions. By staying abreast of the latest developments in generative AI, leaders can ensure that their decision-making processes are both well-informed and effective. This proactive approach allows them to provide effective supervision and drive the growth and advancement of the pharmaceutical industry.




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At Eularis, we are here to ensure that AI and FutureTech underpins your pharma success in the way you anticipate it can, helping you achieve AI and FutureTech maturation and embedding it within your organisational DNA.

If you need help to leverage AI to identify how to leverage generative AI into your leadership plan to increase operational efficiencies and speed up revenue growth, then contact us to find out more.

We are also the leaders in creating future-proof strategic AI blueprints for pharma and can guide you on your journey to creating real impact and success with AI and FutureTech in your discovery, R&D and throughout the biopharma value chain and help identify the optimal strategic approach that moves the needle. Our process ensures that you avoid bias as much as possible, and get through all the IT security, and legal and regulatory hurdles for implementing strategic AI in pharma that creates organizational impact. We also identify optimal vendors and are vendor-agnostic and platform-agnostic with a focus on ensuring you get the best solution to solve your specific strategic challenges. If you have a challenge and you believe there may be a way to solve it with AR but are not sure how, contact us for a strategic assessment.

See more about what we do in this area here. 

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