7 Ways Market Research is Being Turned Upside Down with Artificial Intelligence

Each day I uncover fascinating Artificial Intelligence powered solutions that are shaking up different elements of healthcare commercial team jobs. I look for best-in-breed solutions that not only proven to be doing what they say they do, but that also have repeatable great client results. I then put these ‘secret weapons’ into our membership for our members to be able to know what they can use to enhance their brand and company results (and careers!). This week, I have been conducting interviews with some teams with amazing tools that are powered by Artificial Intelligence that help healthcare market researchers in so many different ways. Here is a summary of the types of tools I have found for market research that utilize the power of Artificial Intelligence.

1. Faster recruiting of participants

Every time I have been involved in market research, something I have found frustrating is the speed (or lack thereof) of recruitment. This can take weeks (or months in some rarer condition cases). And this is expensive when it doesn’t happen as fast as you had hoped. However, one company is actually using Artificial intelligence to speed this process up by using Artificial Intelligence to learn what works for what variables of person and therefore can personalize your invites, get more opens, clicks, and conversions to participate, by generate language that strikes the right tone to convert that invitation into a rapid conversion to participate. We have identified a company that do this very well and get excellent results. They have been interviewed for the Eularis membership and the results they are getting bring the participation rates up dramatically.

2. Virtual moderators

In the past these were constrained as the capabilities of the chatbots employed were limited to pre-programmed questions. However, the new generation of chatbots are in a different league. If we examine one of the leading ones, the natural language capability she displayed and the logic to probe and investigate was impressive. In an interview I did with her for the Eularis membership, a discussion about the US elections ensued and she had opinions and asked logical questions about the views held which were not pre-programmed and displayed an ability to logically consider options and pick up on emotional cues as well. This particular chatbot already has the capability to moderate and probe similar to a human would.

3. Powerful community management

Artificial Intelligence is already being used in online communities to identify which participants provide the most engaged and considered interactions but also to make suggestions of ways to get more value out of the other community members. This is a way to get far more valuable market research insights from disengaged communities by utilizing AI to help the community managers provide the right support to individuals to reignite their interest and get more valuable contributions from them.

4. Analyzing data in real time

One of the advantages of utilizing Artificial Intelligence is the ability to analyse data in real time. There are already platforms that allow real time data to be unearthed, read and analyzed in real time. This will mean that for much market research in the future, we will not require market research ‘studies’ per se but we can be constantly analysing data from our customers in real time and unearthing the insights.

5. Processing opened-ended questions automatically

A natural language processing company that I have already interviewed in the past for the membership showed me a demo today as one of our members wanted to see it in action. I personally had not seen it in action until today either. What amazed me in that unlimited open-ended market research questions can be uploaded and the language analysed, in less than 30 minutes. In the past this would have taken days – if not weeks – of human analyst time. Now the process is done more accurately than a human can possibly do, in a fraction of the time.

6. Automating language analysis

The same tool mentioned above automates any kind of language analysis and I was shown demos of instant analysis of Pfizer versus Janssen use of language around lung cancer highlighting the differences in minutes. This same language analysis can be used for all types of market research language analysis data.

7. Automating actionable insights by allowing machines to deliver most of the “what” in data analysis.

One tool I have been examining for the Eularis membership is focused on automating the analysis and story telling of the actionable insights. This previously was the preserve of the human analyst. Not any more. In fact, several of the big 5 consulting firms are actually using this tool to deliver ‘their’ insights in their management consulting today.


This is only a small sample of some of the amazing tools we have uncovered for the Eularis membership to help market researchers save time and money in their work and stay head of their competition. There are other uses of Artificial Intelligence in Market Research (see our case study of using Artificial intelligence to access insights and facilitate knowledge transfer from powerpoint market research reports https://eularis.com/resources/access-insights-in-mountains-of-powerpoint/ ). More applications are being found by our team constantly and we will continue to investigate the cutting edge companies in this space and interview them and their clients to help you access the best in breed tools for these areas.


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If you are looking for a solution such as any of these, and want to hear from a company who solved it and how they did it, join the Eularis Membership as we find the best in breed solutions, and find people who have had these challenges and solved it and interview them to know:

  • which vendors are best in breed for the solution
  • how the on-boarding went
  • how long it took
  • how much it cost

Then check out our membership as these interviews are all available in the membership.

ps. We are not paid to endorse any of these companies. We have integrity, and only feature solutions from companies that we have investigated and firmly believe are the best for the challenge. Our duty is to our members, and to find them the best solution for their needs, not to the companies we feature. We believe that these are companies that do a great job for their specialization.

To learn more about how Eularis can help you find the best solutions to the challenges faced by healthcare teams, please drop us a note or email the author at abates@eularis.com.

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