Eularis Case Studies in Creating AI Solutions for Healthcare
Explore Some of Our Case Studies Using AI in Healthcare for Supercharged Results
We don't believe in one-size-fits-all. Every brand is different. To get the best results for your pharma or healthcare marketing, we plan a custom solution based on your needs and data.
Eularis Case Studies
To get a flavour of the types of projects we have done, and their results, please read our case studies.

Automated change requests in dossiers using LLMs and NLP
Even when you have completed your dossier, new guidances come in with changes that must be reconciled with your dossier. This was a time consuming and people-intensive process – until now.

Integrated performance analysis with AI
Using NLP and ML to automatically calculate the answers in a platform in which you could put the questions in natural language as you would with a human, as well as deep dive interrogations as to why.

Using LLMs for Medical Literature Monitoring
The fastest growing bodies of content are in life sciences and healthcare. Analyzing this content (including clinical studies, publications, guidelines and more) and for medical insights will drive better decisions.

Earlier Patient Diagnosis in Complex Illness
Client team wanted to assist the primary care physicians make earlier diagnoses to ensure the patients got the help they needed.

AI-Powered Sales Tool Delivers 43% Growth
Sales team gained insight on which physicians would switch away from their brand and how to retain them.

Digital Transformation Results in Extra $4.55Bn
Data integrated and AI algorithms applied for leading brands and countries resulted in significant incremental growth.

Identifying Optimal KOLs in a CNS Therapy Area with AI
Using big data to identify not only the real KOLs/TLs influencing others but also the rising stars who have not been identified yet.

Use AI to Access Insights in Mountains of Power point
A way to interrogate all the power point presentations easily and accurately to access needed information rapidly.

Physician Segmentation and Marketing Actions
Using AI to understand the segments and offer some sales and marketing levers that could influence the physicians to switch segments.

Predicting Brand Share From Social Media
Marketing needed to link social media listening platform data, next actions and financial impact on the brand results.

How to Impact Patient Adherence Using AI
Identify causes of non-adherence and predict which patients have highest probability of not adhering and identify levers to solve this.

Using AI to Understand Physician Prescribing Changes
This client wanted to use real world data to uncover previously unseen insights so they could gain stronger prescribing results.

Using Real World Data To Uncover Patient Journeys
This client wanted to use real world big data to pull out the patient treatment journey.

Patient Identification for Faster Treatment
Sometimes finding rare disease patients can be like finding a needle in a haystack. We used AI to speed up this process.

Optimal Physician Targeting with AI Increases Sales by 34%
Precision physician targeting, segmentation, prioritization, switch prediction, individual message recommendations and more.

Resource Allocation Enables Strong Launch
Using AI for resource allocation and messaging mix enabled strong launch as well as older brand revival.

Condition Diagnosis System Creates 27% Increase in Sales
Using AI and patient record data to identify what it was about the patients that could allow them to be diagnosed far earlier definitely.

AI-Powered Rare Disease Patient Identification and Diagnosis
Using face recognition AI to identify rare disease patients from photos online and then target them so that they can be led to the diagnosis.

How to Use AI for Faster Time to Reimbursement
Utilizing AI to speed up reimbursement by 6 weeks per country adding an extra $15m per day to the bottom line.

AI Use for Planning Creates Winning Launch
Came close to achieve $1 billion in sales on first year on market.

Rare Disease Patient Identication Using AI
Using claims data and AI we were able to identify 27 un-diagnosed patients with a specific rare disease.
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of launch drugs we have worked on have become top brands within 1 year
Artificial Intelligence powered unique pharma brand engagements
growth achieved by the established brands we have worked on with AI
in pharma & healthcare AI and Futuretech
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